Elevate your program with accreditation

  • “The most important benefit is the recognition of the quality of our program from CSU administration. We recently completed our 5-Year program review and the Provost was very complimentary of our academic accreditations.”

    Karen Hyllegard, Ph.D. Professor and Department Head, Design and Merchandising Colorado State University

  • “Accreditation ensures a comprehensive and challenging education that can foster critical thinking skills, intellectual growth and personal development”

    Dr. Lynn Boorady, Department Head, Department of Design, Housing and Merchandising

    Oklahoma State University

  • "The accreditation provided the stamp of approval for the quality work performed by our faculty each day and is a great indicator of our Merchandising program."

    Sanjukta Pookulangara, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, College of Merchandising, Hospitality and Tourism

    University of North Texas

  • "Becoming accredited by TAPAC further helps us ensure that our students are industry ready when they graduate. "

    Nancy (Nelson) Hodges, Ph.D. , Burlington Industries Professor and Head, Department of Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies

    University of North Carolina at Greensboro

  • "Student benefits of being part of an accredited program - Accreditation ensures that students receive a well-rounded education. It can enhance a student's career prospects. "

    Dr. Mary Simpson, Assistant Professor of Fashion Merchandising and Design, Department of Family and Consumer Sciences

    Western Michigan University